23 August 2006

Fixing that small internationalization gaffe

The engineers resolved the internationalization problem. Sort of.

They've modified the logic so that it no longer depends on the hardcoded presence of "&Tools" to pull the resources in correctly from two separate DLLs. However, it still looks for the literal "&Edit" in each DLL. If it doesn't find it, the submenu items do not show up. I know, because I broke it again with a random pseudo-translation pass that rendered "&Edit" as "&ßéüdßéüt" in one resource file and "&ßéüñdßéüñt" in the other.

"Well, what do you expect?" asked the developer, when I explained this to him. "Get your pseudo-act together and you won't find problems like this."

I granted him that it was very unlikely that "&Edit" would be translated differently in two places - well, it could happen, but it should not happen - but that was not the point. It's just not good programming practice to depend on string literals like that, whether localization engineering is a concern or not. "Why don't you make the dependency on the string ID instead? Localization will never go near that."

"Submit a ticket on it and we'll see for next time," he replied. "I've got other dragons to slay right now."

So, I filed the request and the enhancement is in the great cosmic wash of the engineering team's Issue Review system.

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